Baby Days
Born in 1984, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg grew up in Dobbs Ferry, New York, the son of a dentist and a psychiatrist who left her profession to work in her husband's office.
Born in 1984, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg grew up in Dobbs Ferry, New York, the son of a dentist and a psychiatrist who left her profession to work in her husband's office.
Lahir pada tahun 1984, agar pendiri Mark Zuckerberg dibesarkan di Dobbs Ferry, New York, anak seorang dokter gigi dan psikiater yang meninggalkan profesinya untuk bekerja di kantor suaminya.
Berpakaian untuk Impress
Zuckerberg's father describes his son, seen here at five years old, as "strong-willed and relentless."
Zuckerberg's father describes his son, seen here at five years old, as "strong-willed and relentless."
ayah Zuckerberg menjelaskan anaknya, terlihat di sini di lima tahun, sebagai "berkemauan keras dan tak kenal ampun."
Hari Sekolah
Facebook was founded while Zuckerberg was a student at Harvard, where this photograph was taken. Facebook didirikan sementara Zuckerberg adalah seorang mahasiswa di Harvard, di mana foto ini diambil.
Pada mulanya
Zuckerberg, right, sits with Facebook's other founders. Zuckerberg, kanan, duduk dengan pendiri lainnya Facebook. The tale of the company's earliest days inspired the film The Social Network , which draws a rich, dramatic portrait of a furious, socially handicapped genius, a character who bears little resemblance to the actual Mark Zuckerberg. Kisah dari perusahaan awal hari mengilhami film Jaringan Sosial, yang menarik dramatis, potret kaya secara sosial, cacat jenius marah, karakter yang sedikit beruang kemiripan dengan Mark Zuckerberg yang sebenarnya.
Bisnis Keluarga
In this 2006 photo, the Facebook founder poses with his older sister Randi, the company's head of consumer marketing and social-good initiatives.
In this 2006 photo, the Facebook founder poses with his older sister Randi, the company's head of consumer marketing and social-good initiatives.
Dalam foto tahun 2006, pendiri dapat pose dengan kakak perempuannya Randi, kepala perusahaan pemasaran konsumen dan inisiatif sosial yang baik.
Owl Kapal 2010
Zuckerberg and his family visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando for Thanksgiving 2010. Zuckerberg dan keluarganya mengunjungi Dunia Sihir Harry Potter di Orlando untuk Thanksgiving 2010.