Hasil Photoshop atau bukan

As there are hundreds of posts available on the internet about photoshop and photo manipulation. But our today’s post is really different than those. In this post we are listing another set of 23 Magical Photographs To Believe That Are Not Photoshopped. This does not mean that they haven’t been photoshopped for cropping, coloring etc, but originally all the photographs are real using only in-camera tricks and photographer efforts. You will need to grab their creativity in these photos. These are the wonder creations of photographers who use their creativity with a different angle and approach to get the result that makes a difference.

Gimana menurut agan2? sekali lagi ini bukan rekayasa, melainkan foto asli dengan menggunakan kamera biasa (dengan usaha c fotografer itu sendiri tentu nya) 100% bukan hasil photoshop.. Mudah2an ga repost...
Di rate ya gan klo berkenan thx... Cendol pun ga nolak hehehe...